Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday sunshine

Headache and nausea after scant sleep. Never the less, long walk in cold sunshine on the Mall. I feel better for it, but another tough day or two at work.

- iPhone uPdate

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Erasmus B. Dragon

Headache last night and this morning. Bad choices last night. Bought snicker doodles and had FIVE. Then FOUR Doves.

But went to the gym and feel better for it.

- iPhone uPdate

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just 20 minutes outside on the mall. I feel good right now, and I'm hopeful I'll feel good all day.

- iPhone uPdate

Location:Short walk

Monday, November 19, 2012


Very little sleep last night. Light out around midnight (thanks, afternoon coffee!) and tossed and turned. But feeling quite good. Best I've felt in a while. No knee trouble in spite of another weekend on a ladder. And pushed myself at the gym instead of just enduring.

- iPhone uPdate