Friday, September 27, 2013


Not a high energy week, in contrast to last weekend. And the weight per scale is steadily climbing UP despite low calories and low carbs in. I imagine its water. I think my total calories were too low this weekend, and I bumped them up this week. This week I also allowed carbs to drift up to 25 versus 20 grams as the target. Maybe I need to push that back down. I'll persist for another week before thinking about a change.

I bought Halloween candy yesterday. I want to be on a restrictive diet that enforces the "none at all" before we get into The Eating Season. But if I have no results, it will be hard to stick to rules.




Sunday's exercise:

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

So much for exercise....

Just spent the last two hours making graphs of my exercise. No food, no exercise, and its the weekend. Time to move!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shamed into moving

Today I actually felt good, and the weather was perfect. But, I couldn't arrange the schedule to get out and walk. Early in the morning, I felt way less good and just sat around doing nothing before work.

So just now, lying on the couch reading Younger Next Year, the exercise chapters, I got up and took the kindle down to the treadmill and walked while I read. Forty minutes. Yay me.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Less energy today

Don't know why. I anticipated my run as being a good workout: Saturday, long sleep, a couple of hours after getting out of bed, plenty of coffee and even a bite of cheese. But it was hard hard work. I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted, though I did stretch to do more than yesterday. Sort of.

And I'm not feeling the happy energetic glow from it either, not like yesterday. More tired than glowing. I sat afterwards and I did some mindful breathing for just a few minutes. I think I could have fallen asleep, though I didn't.

So is it because of lingering bad teen feelings? Or a long but not restful sleep? (these things are probably related.). Or maybe I just need more recovery time? All possibilities.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Really Good Today

Put on the bra right away even though I was thinking I don't feel like running today. Then I ran, and the good feelings lasted until I just took a glorious walk at lunch.

There is a gnawing, a lack of satiety, feeling like I'm missing something. This is the flip side of the over-full sense of completeness after a big bowl of pasta. Except that at this instant my stomach is quite full from my lunch salad.

Last night I was restless and wanting chocolate or ice cream. I got into bed and got a tip on a new exercise book from KCF, and that took care of my need to consume.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hanging in there

I analyzed all the foods in detail from my first two days of "Atkins Phase 1" where my net carbs were still over the target 20 grams. I need to eat plain meat, no gravy or sauces, and stick with the leafy vegetables. The treat foods, from categories allowed, need to be severely restricted in portion size. So broccoli with sour cream and Parmesan, creamed to a lovely mouth feel, should be cut off at half a cup, not the two cups I wanted to gorge on.

But meat! During this phase, I can have as much as I want. I'm trying to make protein bigger than fat, which means more fish and poultry, less beef. The guideline is 6 ounces per each of three meals, which is bigger portions than I am used to, especially at breakfast. But better to eat more turkey breast than to have more cauliflower.

I have been skating on the edge of Atkins malaise. Lots of water, eat meat when hungry, nibble on a little bit of salt. Not feeling too bad. Lower energy at lunch partly due to heat.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Better today

Some reduced energy today, but right now not the malaise of full Atkins flu. I ate ravenously my lunch. I went out at noon, to take a walk, and wimped out based on energy, the heat of the day, and hunger. I stopped to buy a Greek salad and my favorite avocado and artichoke in vinaigrette salad. AFTER I bought it I checked its numbers on MyFitnessPal and it definitely put me over carbs for the day. I dialed back how much of it I ate. My big lesson yesterday was I should eat more protein and fewer vegetables. The raw carrots I voraciously consumed in the car driving home yesterday had many carbs for few fibers.

So today's afternoon snack is cheese. I had roast chicken for breakfast. I had few calories yesterday, but definitely need to up the protein without upping the fat.

Here are the numbers from yesterday. At least I got fat to less than 50%! But carbs should be closer to 10% than 20%.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Atkins Flu?

Day two, and feeling crummy? This is awfully quick!

I felt great this morning at the gym, still full of yesterday's optimism. But mid morning, I got a queasy almost pain in my stomach. Almost a headache, and a loss of focus.

I drank some water and ate some salt. Now I'm eating my lunch a bit early, steak and salad. Suddenly famished, but something in the salad or dressing has an off putting moldy overtone. Maybe the mushrooms?

I assume eating will help a lot. More later.

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