Saturday, July 5, 2014

I'm in Better Shape than my Dog

I don't know if it's the heat (though today is not so very hot) but I was able to go faster and farther than Rocky wanted. I found I could jog along with my heart rate in the 140s (>85% max) and still had to slow it down for the four legged guy.  I don't want to push him-he has had heart health issues- so no serious training runs with Rocky for now. But I think long walks and even these slower jogs are fine, as long as it's not hot.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day

The dog and I enjoyed the relatively cool weather this morning. I woke up blah, but we finally got out there.  Part of the secret was deciding to go someplace different, not just right out the door.  Rocky's first trip to Rock Creek Park, so different from going with Abbey.