Friday, January 31, 2014

Mall Run

- iPhone uPdate

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week 2 session 2

Early morning. Heartrate to 150 last three runs, no lower than 120 during walks.

- iPhone uPdate

I know it's hard to read. What matters are the two top right numbers. 2.0 (miles) and 30:02 minutes. Summary of the workout. The number to the left of the miles is estimated calories burned. I don't believe it as an absolute number but the relative number matters-today is 1989 and Sunday was less, with the same mileage and time. So calories shows more detail and shows I'm progressing some. I should take the time to crop and straighten the photo like I did Sunday, though. It is slightly more readable.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 2 day 1

- iPhone uPdate

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Evening intervals

Got all prepared to do it this morning but off to the vet instead.

So gave it a try this evening. Uphill all the way. Slower than last time.

- iPhone uPdate

Monday, January 20, 2014

First intervals

This is the treadmill readout from Saturday.

This was the first interval running I've done in a long while. It shows 2 miles in 30 minutes. I did the same thing today in the gym.

Week one of couch to 5k treadmill version. One minute run intervals with 90 second walks. Saturday on the first interval the heart rate went bananas, jumping to over 175 instantly, then gyrating around. It settled down. Saturday all but the last run was at 6 mph. Today I held it to 5.8 mph and my heart rate was in the 140s for the runs, all the way back down to the (one hundred) teens for the walks.

- iPhone uPdate